Ocean's future is our Mission.


Oceans’ Harmony is a non-profit organization, dedicated to maintaining, improving and conserving the oceans and seas of the world.

Help us save our oceans.

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Our seas and Oceans

70% of our planet’s surface is made up of water. Oceans’ Harmony is driven by a dedicated group of professionals who devote their time to growing this beautiful and compassionate global family. Our goal is to build a major force in the conservation of fauna and flora within the oceans as well as the oceans and seas themselves.

Plastics pollutes our seas

Research has found that Plastics are becoming more of a serious threat to our sea creatures. Their survival depends on us.

Help on Save, Protect and Conserve our Ocean and Seas

Over 10 years of volunteerism

Oceans Harmony seeks to employ the forums of research and education to engage First Nations People and others in a systematic approach to assess and advise on the impact of human activities on our rivers and oceans.


Sea Creatures


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