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Giving in Harmony

April 22nd & 23rd, 2022

The Giving in Harmony group are live-streaming musicians from around the world who are joining forces on April 22nd and 23rd on Twitch in support of a cause that raises awareness of the importance of preserving marine and ocean life. This year, they are raising funds for our organization, Oceans’ Harmony. Our goal is to build a significant force in conserving the fauna and flora within the oceans and seas.

Let’s put our love for the ocean into motion!

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Shark Net Project

Shark nets have been used in Australia and around the world for many decades. The reason behind shark nets is to give a perceived safety

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Australia Trains Marine Paramedics

Australian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur press clipping Salawak Tribune 24.12.80, written by Glyn May. Brisbane, Australia: Volunteer paramedics skilled in the treatment of marine mammals are

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